
Nevermind what goes on in the NevesMind


DNS is the system used to map names of servers and services into IP addresses that can be used to find computers
An amazing tool - worth everything it cost, but I would love to be able to costumize it a bit more
This is a small list of things multinational companies still doesn’t get: location and language don’t always match; gift cards are useful; people travel around; people don’t really care about borders; we want the content
This little math riddle starts with: A hawk flies by a flock of doves and says: Hello hundred doves
comic about a coder who thinks he may code too much… but not tonight
Cartoon from abstruse goose about someone who is 3 days without internet
a small conversation between the novice and the abbot about why there are so few women in the temple


Six Months as contractor


In June I started working as a contractor. My first six month contract was extended until the end of the year, but still need to find some project to start after the new year. Wish me luck, or hire me - see AvidMind’s website.

Remarkable - the e-ink notebook

2021-06-14 review gadget
An amazing tool - worth everything it cost, but I would love to be able to costumize it a bit more

Collecting Content


I started downloading the content - if only brains had a rest api…

Neve[rs]Mind started


Just started playing with Hugo to make the Neve[rs]Mind site.

Weblore online


After more than a month working on it, is now online.